Earth Science
1st Choice Recommended
Inspire Science: Earth & Space (2020)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student: 978-0-07-677491-3
- Teacher: 978-0-07-688465-0
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- This Book Available For 2020-2021 School Year
- All online resources for all subjects built on the same platform
- Excellent teacher resources
- Adaptive learning platform (LearnSmart)
- Easily links to Google Classroom
- Customizable reading levels
- Downloadable eBooks allow offline access
- Links to other educational resources that are not McGraw-Hill's (PhET simulations, Spongelab)
- Excellent and varied labs available for all topics
- Read-aloud feature in online resources

2nd Choice Recommended
Earth Science (2017)
Publisher: Pearson
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student: 978-1-32-320587-7
- Teacher: 978-1-32-320588-4
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- Wide variety of topics covered
- Inquiry based
- Most references to extremely long geologic time are limited to one unit
- Includes online investigation
- Writing in science is included throughout the text
- Attractive text presentation
- ExamView available

3rd Choice Recommended
Earth & Space Science (2018)
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student: 978-0-54-486181-7
- Teacher: 978-0-54-487335-3
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- Online resources
- Read-aloud feature in online resources
- Interactive student eBook
- Numerous activities
- Thing Explainer (simple, humorous explanation of important concepts)
- Intentional in the use of the "5 E's"
- Topics covered are limited to those required by NGSS

4th Choice Recommended
EarthComm Project-Based Earth and Space System Science (2018)
Publisher: Activate Learning (Kendall Hunt)
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student: 978-1-68-231294-0
- Teacher: Volume 1, Chapters 1-3 ISBN: 978-1-68-231297-1
- Teacher: Volume 2, Chapters 4-6 ISBN: 978-1-68-231298-8
- Teacher: Volume 3, Chapters 7-8 ISBN: 978-1-68-231299-5
- Teacher: 3 Volume Set ISBN: 978-1-68-231300-8
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- Strictly project-based