
1st Choice Recommended

Inspire Chemistry (2020)

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Print Edition ISBNs:

  • Student: 978-0-02-138115-9
  • Teacher: 978-0-07-688442-1

Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.

  • All online resources for all subjects built on the same platform
  • Excellent teacher resources
  • Adaptive learning platform (LearnSmart)
  • Solutions, not just answers available for selected practice problems
  • Easily links to Google Classroom
  • Customizable reading levels
  • Downloadable eBooks allow offline access
  • Links to other educational resources that are not McGraw-Hill's (PhET simulations, Spongelab)
  • ALEKS for chemistry available
  • Excellent and varied labs available for all topics
  • Read-aloud feature in online resources

2nd Choice Recommended

Experience Chemistry (2021)

Publisher: SAVVAS (Pearson)

Print Edition ISBNs:

  • Student (2021): 978-1418327187

Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.

  • ● Engages students in investigating real, compelling phenomena
  • ● Demonstrates how chemistry relates to everyday life, including water, food, medicine, and sports shoes
  • ● Hands-on and digital activities encourage students to explore and discover
  • ● Focuses on the science of doing
  • ● Exclusive partnership with Flinn Scientific provides high-quality lab activities and resources
  • ● Welcome to phenomenal science

3rd Choice Recommended

Essential Chemistry

Publisher: PASCO

Print Edition ISBNs:

  • Student (2018): 978-1-937492-21-2
  • Teacher: 978-0-54-481785-2

Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.

  • ● Browser-based student e-book with interactive media
  • ● Award-winning wireless equipment
  • ● Cross-platform analytical software
  • ● Access to PASCO Academy video labs, data sets, and more
  • ● Student Lab Manual with a full year of hands-on investigations
  • ● Teacher lesson plans, answer keys, & an infinite test bank

4th Choice Recommended

HMH Science Dimensions Chemistry

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Print Edition ISBNs:

  • Student (2015): 978-0-358-04719-3
  • Teacher (2019): 978-0-544-98006-8

Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.

  • ● Complete print and digital curriculum
  • ● Hardcover Student Text with innovative design, light-weighted
  • ● Read-aloud feature in online resources
  • ● Interactive student eBook
  • ● Reinforces student-centric learning
  • ● Engages students with a cohesive curriculum
  • ● Empowering, Student-Centered Lessons
  • ● Builds students’ confidence with authentic investigations.
  • ● Drives learning with hands-on activities and labs